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Selene B - Siaviak

Selene B - Siaviak

Selene B - Siaviak

Age: 29
Eyecolor: BLUE
Haircolor: BROWN
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Breast Size: Medium
Measurements: 84/60/87
Country: Czech Republic
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Bio: Selene is currently a student of computer science. Her main hobbies are: Dancing, Cooking, Clubbing, Biking, Swimming & Travel & Nature. She works part time at a restaurant. She likes driving her car with the music up. Running topless by the sea & drink a cold beer makes her relax. She prefers to look great at parties & likes to dress-up in glorious nightgowns. Thong sandals, cowlneck dresses & cargo pants are her favorites. She studies French  in a French culture centre in her hometown. She likes creamy cakes with fruits. Her big ambition is one day to have her own network solution company.

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